Komentář: Re: Pomoc - téma

Chuan Karlos z IP 213.226.248.*** | 26.11.2009 01:49
Ještě jedno zajímavý téma: Soutěží vybrané itemy které se dají (daly) získat - některé už byly ale alespoň je vidět na co se můžeme těšit smile (teď momentálně je to Viking helmet za 25 godfathers bodů)

Winners (Twitter usernames) Items Description of Items
everoberts Guitar Case Machine Gun Guitar case with tommy gun inside
me0505 Alley Apple Alley Apple (Brick or big rock picked up from the alley during a street fight)
clarinethero10 Sharkskin Gloves Gloves that are stylized to look like sharks with fins and jaws
bongolordConnor Marshmallow Marshmallows
renginz Nitro Skates Roller skates with Nitros
TracyBohan The Cue Ball Pool ball in a sock
uncledaves The Escort A Hummer with a Gatling gun on the roof
CyberSantaClaus Rabid Parrot Rabid parrot
howe7 Snow Leopard Snow leopard
DonStefanos Riot Shield Police shield
Weallneedfun Whaambulance Ambulance with some kind of crying baby on it
MD_update Knuckle Shotty SPAS-12 shotgun with brass knuckles on the pump and handle
clarinethero10 Viking Helmet Viking Helmet
jasonkittredge Idaho Special Potato gun
manhiker1409 Power Plough Roto tiller
dlong68 Dentist's Drill Dentist's drill
nenisi Black Roses Black roses
ekrogstad Drago Russian boxer
boydmanagement Steel Chair Steel chair used in wrestling matches

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