Cheat Mafia Wars
Pokud pouzivate prohlizec Mozilla Firefox, mate moznost vyuzit doplnku pro hru Mafia wars. Staci si nainstalovat greasemonkey. https://addons.mozilla.org/cs/firefox/addon/748
Popis: Toto rozšíření umožňuje spouštět ve Firefoxu tzv. uživatelské skripty. Jedná se o sadu příkazů, které Firefoxu umožňují libovolně deformovat webovou stránku podle požadavků autora skriptu - např. odstranit některé prvky, přesunout je apod. Velký archiv takových skriptů je k nalezení na oficiální stránce rozšíření.
Pokud si tento doplnek instalujete, ukaze se vam v pravem dolnim rohu vaseho prohlizece mala opicka. Muze byt bareva - doplnek je apnuty, nebo muze byt sediva, pokud doplnek je zapnuty. Pokud budete chtit zjistit vic o tom jak to funguje atd. pohledejte si v google
Pak uz jen na techto strakach http://userscripts.org/scripts/search?q=facebook&x=0&y=0
najdete pozidovany script a nainstalujte si ho. Hra se vam trosicku zmeni.
Par obrazku z nejpouivanejsiho autoplayeru. Staci pouze nastavit jake chcete delat prace, zda chcete na nekoho utocit. Take je mozne nastavit automaticke ukladani penez do banky, leceni, nakupovani a prodavani v podnikani atd. Samozrejme je nutne mit zapnuty pocitac a prohlicec. Jinak to za vas hrat nemuze a nebude.
Enable auto-refresh: Set to refresh every "30" to "110" seconds. This is to refresh the page(Do not set refresh rate below 30 secs!!! you won't be able to play and/or enter the settings to change it.
Enable auto-heal: Set Minimum health to watever amount you want. (Do not set below 30 because u will get killed on a fight)
Enable Hide in hospital: This will take you to the hospital and heal you everytime you are injured
Enable auto-bank: Set Maximum amount that you want to have before depositing them. Same for Cuba and NY.
Disable Auto-Pause: This will pause before leveling up if enabled.
Enable auto-lotto: This will pick your lotto ticket.
Enable left align main frame: It will move the game play area to the left so that there is more room for the log on the right.
Enable Hide advertising: This will remove the Zynga Hide advertising that show above the game play area.
Move email options to the bottom: This will move the Email me notify to the bottom of the page.
Enable Logging: This displays a log of events along the right side of the screen.
Enable auto-stat: This will automatically assign any skill points you earn to the skill you have chosen.
Enable Hourly Stats Updates: This will get hourly updates from the game.
Skip Gift Wall Posts: This will Automatically click the Skip button when wall post pop up.
Minimum experience for job help: This is the min about of experience you get back from the job (pic above was set for "Boss Job ~ Shake Down a City Council Member) Player can set to Any job payout amount.
Message to post on Wall for job help: This will be the message that will be posted with the wall post for Help Jobs.